Debt Regret recently posted about recycling unused items from work (read here). It made me think of my own version of dumpster diving. Like Debt Regret, I see a lot of waste at my office, mostly in the form of computer paper. My department goes through many reams of paper a day and I started saving mine in a desk drawer, and when the drawer was full, I'd put it in a paper bag and take it home to re-feed through my laser printer using the back side. We hardly ever print out official documents, mostly mapquests, receipts and e-mails, so to us it doesn't matter what's on the back. A couple of times co-workers have asked me what I was doing with it, and then thought it was a good idea, but I've never seen anyone else take used paper home. If we get too much, we just recycle it. I know I should organize at least a department-wide recycling program, but I'm not sure how management would react -- maybe they wouldn't even care. Plus, naturally lazy person that I am, I'm not sure I want to drag bags of paper home all the time. They would probably pile up in my car before I ever took them to recyle, and when I stopped at a light I would truly look like a bag lady (albeit with a car).
hee hee, this is so Hints from Heloise.
But I do the exact same thing.
You might want to check this link http://www.earth911.org/master.asp?s=lib&a=brrc/RecyclingGuide.asp#hauling it's about starting an office recycling program. Thankfully, the ice packs and plastic bins are the biggest issue at my work place. We have a recycling program and recycle the normal things - paper, plastic, cans, etc and they are picked up every day. I think it's great what you are doing with the paper. I order 50 reams of paper for my area every week, I couldn't imagine not recycling it in some form or another!
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