Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Overspending alert!

I want everyone to be forewarned -- I haven't even done the end of the month finances, but I already know we went WAY over on eating out. We slid back into our old ways of running errands on Monday and taking the recycling money to In-n-Out for lunch. Plus we had to drive to my Number 1 Son's college twice, which requires eating out unless you pack a lunch, which, get real, hardly anybody does. Plus we were celebrating both Basil and I getting into a gallery show together. Of course, how do we like to celebrate? Food! I predict the eating out budget to be upwards of $300. That would have been a good chunk if it had gone to the credit cards. Hopefully it doesn't cause us to actually have a negative balance for the month. I guess this is about the time the New Year's resolutions start to waver, but we're going to try to get back on track next month. We'll take it one day at a time....but with In-n-Out less than a mile away, it'll be difficult.

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