Friday, March 16, 2007

Healthy Teeth or Vacation?

Went to the dentist for a cleaning and check-up, since the last time was the emergency crown and I was a new patient. Had about 15 x-rays taken of my mouth because I still have all my wisdom teeth. After the painful poking of bleeding gums, my dentist told me that I had two cavities and two teeth that were badly cracked that she wanted to put crowns on. Since the last crown was $374, I wasn't eager to fix teeth that weren't bothering me. She said she'd send it in to the insurance to see how much they'd cover since they'd already done one crown this year. I scheduled my cavity fillings for April 17, since that was the first early morning (before work) appointment they had, plus then I would have a month to save up the money for my portion of the bill. I may see if I can spread the crowns out over the course of six months or so. It really makes you wonder how important your teeth are, if you could take a really nice vacation instead of getting them fixed.

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